Monday, November 17, 2008


I just got back last night from the best weekend of my life (other than our wedding). I trained to become an In Our Own Voice (IOOV) presenter. through NAMI. IOOV is a program for “consumers” (those with mental health issues and/or brain disorders) who want to share their story with others to educate, instill hope and stomp out stigma. I trained with 11 other amazing people. These individuals went through some of the hardest times I could imagine and are thriving to tell about it. From being homeless and/or incarcerated, multiple suicide attempts, or losing custody of children to being a role model. These were intelligent, caring people with big hearts. We received our certificates at the end of the training, and the trainers commented that they had learned alot about my disorder (OCD) this weekend They didn’t know much about it, and they said they felt I was going to do a very much needed work to break stigma and educate about OCD. People think, “Oh, I’m so OCD. I have to have my pens and pencils lined up, and my house has to be perfectly in order.” Yes, but does that control your life? Do you have intrusive “bad” thoughts in response to which you have to perform “rituals” or compulsions (silly little acts that make no sense) over and over and over again until you can’t even get out of your house? Does your mind control you to the point where you can’t even do the things you enjoy, even something as simple as enjoying a glass of sweet tea? If you do, then you have OCD. If not, you’re just a neat freak. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! ;) But, to minimize OCD is hurtful and diminishes the severity and painfulness of this disorder.

On to happier things - NAMI is awesome. They put us up in a comfortable, clean motel, fed us and paid us for mileage. We had the best trainers EVER, a very sweet newly married couple and a hilarious, life-loving guy. All in all, it was great. I want to say “awesome”, “amazing”, etc., but words honestly can’t describe. I am refreshed, inspired, and motivated. Thank each of you that were there. You changed my life.

Charlene Morton
Upper East TN